Download XWiki 17.0.0-rc-1
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/04/02
This is the same as the ZIP package below, with the addition of the Standard Flavor being pre-installed. The Distribution Wizard will be skipped, as the Flavor is already provided and installed. Should be used by first-time users who do not need/want to select and download other Flavors, but just want to quickly test the Standard one.
This includes a Jetty Servlet Container and an HSQLDB database all set up, packaged as a ZIP file. Once started, the Distribution Wizard allows to choose the Flavor to download and install.
These Demo packages are not supposed to be used in production, since the embedded database does not support large wikis efficiently and is not tuned for a production usage.
A database and a Servlet Container need to be set up and configured. The Flavor also needs to be selected and installed at first startup. This is for more advanced users wanting to choose their container and their database.
A Debian repository containing a set a Debian packages to install XWiki on any Debian based distribution.
An easy solution to test a full-fledged XWiki, with a configuration very close to a production setup.
A package containing an offline extension repository with the Standard Flavor and all its used extensions. It allows the Distribution Wizard to find the extensions locally instead of getting them online and is thus suited for offline installations of XWiki.
Once you're more familiar with XWiki you might want to set it up on your own database or in your own container, in which case you'll then be able to download the WAR file and set up your instance.